Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rock, Hell, and Video Games: Part 1

And you thought this was going to be social ethics.

     However, instead of covering why popular entertainment is sending people to the bad place (sarcasm), I’m going to review three pieces of popular entertainment- Weezer’s latest album, a mystery thriller from days long past, and the latest video game incarnation of Aliens Vs. Predator. Let’s start with Weezer’s new album, Raditude.

I Thought You Didn’t Give a Hoot About What They Thought?     
While I wasn’t looking, Weezer managed to slip amorphously from the already shaky ground of pop-rock-folk to just… pop. Ew. Okay, so it’s not exactly Rihanna (thankfully), but Weezer has taken one step closer to being the brand of music that 12-year-old girls will cluster together in large numbers over. If you’re having trouble understanding what I mean, listen to their older stuff like “Say It Ain’t So” or “Christmas Song”, and follow that up with “I Don’t Want To Let You Go” or “ The Girl Got Hot”. I used to not be able to tell whether I was listening to folk music, a slow dance, or grunge rock. That was the kind of confusion that made me want to delve deeper into their music. Now I can’t tell whether I’m listening to music co-written by Miley Cyrus with lyrics by(insert generic emo band name here). That’s the kind of confusion that makes me want to give up on music today. Where’s the originality? “ The Girl Got Hot” might as well be Hip Hop in terms of the lyrics, minus the incessant, pointless swearing. “Can’t Stop Partying” Sounds like Weezer sent a covert op to go steal a couple of Lady Gaga’s unused audio samples, and replaced the vocal track with Rivers Cuomo. It’s not a pretty combo. Excuse while I clean the puke off my keyboard.

And Now, On to the Real Weezer. Sort Of.

     Here are the tracks that kept me from committing Hara Kiri: Let it All Hang out. Best sounding track of the CD. The squealy guitar riff gives off a high-octane 80’s rock feel, while the melody feels more pop-punk (although that definition itself makes me want to stab my eyes with a fork, I couldn’t think of another way to describe it). However, as much as I don’t hate it, “Buddy Holly” did everything that this song does, only better. “In the Mall” wins the award for Best Jaded Christmas song of all time. “I Don’t Want To Let You Go”- wins award for the most almost tearjerker (again, shut up grammar police). It’s thoughtful and sincere, but it’s been done more thoughtfully, and with more sincerity. Almost award= fail.

    Obviously, “If You’re Wondering If I Want You To (I Want You To)” is the most original song in format, and it’s creative in it’s construction. That’s all I have to say. Do you expect me to say more? It’s hard to sympathize with such a specific description of his relationship. One reason poets and musicians use metaphor and similes is because they broaden a specific situation, enabling a wide audience to feel the writer’s emotions. I listen to music so I won’t have to hear about specific details of some stranger’s relationships, but what do I get? That’s a rhetorical question, by the way.


  1. I'm very disappointed in Weezer. Writing about how hot a girl is is what Nickelback is all about, not GOOD bands.
    I like the picture you linked of Zac Effron, by the way. Never thought I would say 'like' and 'Zac Effron' in the same sentence.

  2. Neither did I. Leave it to freckles, black-ed out teeth and a clown nose to prove me wrong.
